Cuidado bucal suizo de primera calidad
Ármate con los mejores cepillos interdentales de prevención, de forma sostenible.
Ármate con los mejores cepillos interdentales de prevención, de forma sostenible.
Envases limpios e higiénicos
Sistema de clic fácil y ecológico
Conserva tus mangos, sustituye las puntas
Envases limpios e higiénicos
Sistema de clic fácil y ecológico
Conserva tus mangos, sustituye las puntas
These are the finest little brushes on the market with unsurpassed durability. A CPS 06 prime is the finest interdental brush of all and also fits into very narrow spaces. The click system means that your personal, favourite holders can be used – to combat caries in the side teeth, gingivitis and periodontitis particularly easily and effectively. The quality of CPS prime makes a single cleaning movement sufficient: once in and out. Done.